RPA2025QC型質檢型橡膠加工分析儀:為傳統無轉子流變儀的升級版,也是橡膠加工分析儀RPA2025的質檢專用型。專用于生膠、未硫化膠、可硫化膠和混煉膠的加工特性、硫化特性和粘彈特性的現場快速檢測。利用加壓密閉模腔的振蕩頻率、剪切應變和試驗溫度的大范圍變化,一次測得膠樣在硫化前的加工特性、硫化中的硫化特性、硫化后的物理特性,其固化的“一鍵式”操作的試驗方法符合ASTM D5289、ASTM D6204等國際標準。
RPA2025QC Rubber Processing Analyzer for QC is designed, as an upgrade of traditional rheometer and special for QC floor of RPA2025, to test the dynamic processability, curability, viscoelastic property of raw material, uncured rubber and curable rubber by use of the die cavity with its oscillating frequency, shearing strain and temperature in wide range changing through one piece of sample test, which “One-touch Operation” programmed test methods are in complied to ASTM D5289 and ASTM D6204, as well as other international standards.
規格與技術參數 Specification & Technical Data
國際標準 Standard |
ASTM D5289, ASTM D6204, etc. |
試驗模腔 Die Cavity |
密封雙圓錐形模腔 Sealed By-conical Die Cavity |
模腔間隙 Die Gap |
標準 Standard: 0.45±0.05mm (可調 Adjustable) |
扭矩測量 Torque Measuring |
扭矩傳感器, 安裝于上模腔 Torque Transducer, Upper Die mounted |
模腔閉合力 Die Closing Force |
≥11.5kN |
振蕩頻率 Frequency Range |
0.1Hz - 20Hz |
振蕩角度弧 Oscillating Degree Arc |
±0.5o -±7.14o |
應變范圍 Shear Strain Range |
±7% - ±100% |
扭矩范圍 Torque Range |
0.01 - 200.00 dNm |
試樣體積 Test Sample Volume |
≈ 4.5cm3 |
溫控范圍 Temperature Range |
室溫 RT - 200.00oC ±0.3oC |
溫度檢測 Temperature Meas. |
4- PT100 |
試驗方法 Test Method |
硫化試驗 Cure Test 大應變三點頻率掃描 3-point Frequency Sweep at Low Strain 小應變兩點頻率掃描 2-point Frequency Sweep at High Strain 變溫硫化 Non-isothermal Cure Test 門尼相關性試驗 Mooney Correlation Test |
包裝尺寸 Packing Size |
長L=80cm 寬D=80cm 高H170cm |
重 量 Weight |
毛重Gross=312kg; 凈重Net=246kg |