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![]() 豪邁科技主營輪胎模具及橡膠機械、大型機械零部件加工、數控機床等業務 建立了覆蓋全球的研發、生產與服務體系 富有特色的企業文化,強大的技術研發能力,雄厚的機械加工實力,以及在亞洲、歐洲、南北美洲等地區較為完備的生產服務體系,使豪邁贏得了眾多世界500強企業的信賴。 Himile Mechanical Science and Technology (Shandong) Co.,Ltd. Listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2011 (Stock code: SZ.002595) Main business includes tire molds, rubber machinery, and Large mechanical parts, etc. Global network for research and development, production and services The unique corporate culture, powerful technology R&D capability, strong mechanical machining ability, together with the global service network in Asia, Europe, North and South America have won Himile the trust from many Fortune 500 enterprises. [詳細介紹] |